How EmPower Works

Repeat… Action… Repeat

Mental health is made up of two things – our thinking and our feelings.  Many available programmes focus exclusively on our thinking.  This has many benefits but can be extremely hard to do in difficult times. Your feelings derive from your emotions.  This is why we concentrate on emotional power – how you can focus your own emotions to improve your emotional health and then in turn your feelings, thinking, wellbeing, and mental health.  EmPower is short for Emotional Power, with good reason.

What makes EmPower different is that we go beyond thinking and talking and into action.  You create your own spectrum of simple, enjoyable actions which you practice. Repeatedly practicing simple, easy, and enjoyable actions re-trains your body and develops different neural networks in your brain.  This re-focusses your emotional memory so, with time, your ‘go-to’ feelings become more in tune with what you desire.  Feeling better becomes a habit.

Build your own 12-week programme

The programmes we offer at EmPower recognise that you are a unique individual and use your own insights and analysis to empower you to build your own 12-week programme.  We kick off with a seminar so you can learn about emotions and gain insight into your own fears and dreams.  You then work with one of our team to design a 12-week programme for yourself which is simple, easy and enjoyable to do. 

During all our seminars there is a trained mental health professional in the room/online with our team and you will have the option of one-to-one discussions with them as required. Everything you discuss during these discussions is confidential.

This professional support continues throughout the 12-week programme with a trained mental health professional always on hand.

We provide you with an app to motivate and measure your progress.  You join a group with the people you completed the seminar with and check-in with the group on a WhatsApp group and weekly online meeting. 

You are invited to attend short online refresher seminars at four-week intervals and a graduation ceremony at the end.

There are three sources for the EmPower Programme:

Clinical psychology, psychological therapy, and a huge amount of lived experience, trial, error, and improvement.

Education, Practice, Group

As you design your own actions, aligned with your goals and created with education and guidance, you will achieve your own definition of a happier more successful life. That’s if you commit to learning, practising, and connecting with your group.  It works when you do the work. 

Our challenge is to make your work as simple and effective as we possibly can, so we put much effort into that for you.

So far, our clients are reporting an average 31% improvement in their feelings of wellbeing and experiencing a lot of joy in the process. Numbers are great, but their stories are better.