Strengthen your emotional
and mental health

Welcome to a happier and more successful life.

We at EmPower invite you to take action to improve the power you have over your own emotional and mental health. 

We’d love you to figure out how to take action and support you along the way.

We provide an evidenced programme to EmPower you to make a fast and permanent positive change to your mood, focus and energy. 

Build your own wellbeing through three interacting elements


There are three sources for the EmPower programmes; clinical psychology, psychological therapy, and a huge amount of lived experience, trial and error, and improvement. 

Our programmes recognise that you are a unique individual and use your own insights and analysis to empower you to build your own 12-week programme. We kick this off with a seminar so you can learn about emotions and gain insight into your fears and dreams.  You then work with one of our team to design a 12-week programme for yourself which is simple, easy, and enjoyable.


What makes EmPower different is that we go beyond thinking and talking and into action. You create your own spectrum of simple, enjoyable actions you practice and track through our app, throughout the 12-week programme.

Repeatedly practising simple, easy and enjoyable actions re-trains your body and develops different neural networks in your brain. This re-focuses your emotional memory so, with time, your ‘go-to’ feelings become more in-tune with what you desire.  Feeling better becomes a habit.


At the heart of EmPower is connection. We know that group connection is an essential component of making EmPower work for clients. It’s one of the three macro-measures of the wellbeing of the programme.

You join a group with the people you completed the seminar with and check in with the group on a WhatsApp group and weekly call online. Leaning into the group on the good, bad and ugly days will become very natural. Lifelong friendships have already been made among our clients.

So far, clients are reporting an average 36% improvement in their feelings of wellbeing (a big increase) and are expressing a lot of joy in the process. In fact several say they feel it has been life-changing.

Is EmPower right for me?

EmPower will benefit you if you have been feeling down and want to get better or are feeling OK and want to feel great.  If you identify with any of the following, our programmes can help you improve:

  • Procrastination

  • Mild to moderate depression

  • Anger

  • Destructive behaviours

  • Isolation

  • A sense of not fitting in

  • Low mood

  • Anxiety

  • Loss of direction

  • Loss of confidence

  • Deflated self-esteem

  • Poor choices

Our team includes trained mental health professionals who are on hand throughout our seminars and will support you throughout your 12-week programme.

Be  proactive

As a society, we are perhaps more aware now than we ever have been of our emotional and mental health and the need to be proactive about our wellbeing.  We know there’s a problem and it is growing, so we at EmPower have spent years refining the answer to one simple question; 


Through education, practice, and connection you will systematically build your own wellbeing.

Improve the three macro measures of wellbeing

Everything in the EmPower programme is focussed on helping you improve the three macro-measures of wellbeing:

I can direct and control my own life

I have healthy and happy relationships

I have good emotional health

You will see your improvements through the app and by completing short Schwarz wellbeing surveys at appropriate intervals. 

“This is just to say a huge, heartfelt 'thank you'. EmPo has been transformational for me. This programme has genuinely changed my life. I now know it is possible to be authentic AND happy after many years stuck in the 'name the problem and it will be ok' box.”

— DB, South Yorkshire —